Climb Challenges

  1. Decide which challenge you are doing

    1. 10:00

    2. 3:00, 1:00r x5

    3. 1:00, 0:30r x10

  2. Press “On/Off” to turn the console on

  3. Press “Program mode”

  4. Set the time to “30:00 for all challenges

  5. Press “Enter”

  6. Press “Enter” when it asks you for a program number

    1. Keep the program number at “00”

  7. Press “Start Exercise” and start climbing

    1. The timer will start counting immediately after you press “Start Exercise”

  8. Follow the instructions for each challenge

    1. 10:00 Challenge

      1. Stop climbing when the timer reads 10:00

        1. The timer will keep counting, but you must stop at 10:00

        2. If you need to take a break, you can rest, but the timer will continue to count up. Resume climbing when you are ready. Regardless of how many breaks you take, stop when the timer reads 10:00.

    2. 3:00, 1:00r x5

      1. Stop climbing & get off the machine during the rest intervals

        1. Stop climbing at 3:00, start climbing at 4:00

        2. Stop climbing at 7:00, start climbing at 8:00

        3. Stop climbing at 11:00, start climbing at 12:00

        4. Stop climbing at 15:00, start climbing at 16:00

        5. Stop climbing at 19:00

          1. The timer will keep counting, but you must stop at 19:00

          2. Always start & stop at these times regardless of how many breaks you take

      2. 1:00, 0:30r x10

        1. Climb for 1:00, rest for 0:30

          1. Continue this pattern until the timer reads 14:30

          2. The timer will keep counting, but you must stop at 14:30

          3. Always start & stop according to what the timer reads regardless of how many breaks you take

      3. Take a picture of the console

      4. Send the picture to

      5. Record your total feet on your sheet